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support us
Become a Sponsor
Sponsors are individuals or businesses that contribute money or time in excess of $2000 in value. In 2008 we were able to raise $20,000 in sponsorship from a number of local organisations, this contribution paid for all of the printing and launch costs for Relish 2009, placing us in the enviable position of being able to secure a significant portion of the sales of the book (90%) for the two benefiting charities.

Sponsors of the book for 2009 have enjoyed many benefits including:

brand representation on banners, posters, advertising, Relish website, brochures and inside the book
invitations to launches and other public events
inclusion of promotional materials in showbags and sponsor stands
mention and gratitude expressed at public events
complimentary copies of the book to hand out as corporate gifts

Become a Supporter
Supporters are generally individuals or business who provide a cash donation of under $2000. Supporters receive:

mention inside the Relish recipe book
invitations to launched and other public events
one complimentary copy of the book

Become a Member
If you really get Relish and can see what an amazing project it is and what its potential is, there is an opportunity to take a more 'hands on role' in the future. Consider becoming a member of the Rotary Club of St Kilda who manages the project. For more information about Rotary International and the Rotary Club of St Kilda please visit the website or contact Julia at

Become a Stockist
We are lucky enough to have a number of stockists carrying Relish on our behalf. When you see the book in a shop, restaurant, cafe, bank, city council or local business - you know these are some of the true believers behind the Relish project. These people selflessly provide space and time to sell the book for no financial gain, as they know their contribution helps us to reach our target of raising money for the charities involved.

Raise Awareness
You can simply help us to raise awareness about Relish by spreading the word. You can do this by:
Including a small advertisement in your newsletter promoting and the online sales.
Include a web banner on your website announcing your support of the Relish project

Buy a Copy
Purchase a copy of Relish and help us realise our target of raising money for charity. Relish can make Christmas shopping really easy, and is a great idea for corporate gifts that support really great causes.

Join our Mailing List
Sign up today for our mailing list - that way we can keep you up to date with all of the latest information on the Relish project.